Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Start The New Year by Getting In Control of Everything
As I started going thru some email this morning, I came across a piece of software that helps with getting organized. This software is called Things. Come to find out it is a tool that you can use with a GTD system, the Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
by David Allen. Well, one thing led to another and I was Googling the term 'GTD' and came across two very cool web sites that I have not been to before. Thought I would share them, but, only if you are interested in increasing productivity, your effectiveness, organization and time management. The two sites were 43 Folders and Black Belt Productivity. There is a great GTD primer at Black Belt Productivity with a very good video from Dave Allen. It also references Merlin Mann's Inboz Zero presentation which is the video below. I started today!!
Labels: Organization, Productivity, Time Management
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Cold Calling and The Sales Process
Here is a great topic.....cold calling. I presently coach and teach prospecting and cold calling at my company when we have training seminars. It is the lifeblood of any sales career. Here is a great video from Selling Power with Keith Rosen talking about the sales process. Enjoy the video!
Labels: cold calling, prospecting, Sales
Thursday, December 25, 2008
2008 Year in Review from Jib Jab
2008 Year in Review
Everyone needs to take time out to have a little chuckle.
It must be December - snow is falling, children are writing letters to Santa and we're dragging 2008 through the mud in our all-singing, all-dancing, all-out year-in-review. Baby New Year '08 takes you on a tour of all of the good, bad, and worse the past year had to offer, all at breakneck speed. We're giving society a primo wedgie - everyone watch, point and laugh!
Everyone needs to take time out to have a little chuckle.
It must be December - snow is falling, children are writing letters to Santa and we're dragging 2008 through the mud in our all-singing, all-dancing, all-out year-in-review. Baby New Year '08 takes you on a tour of all of the good, bad, and worse the past year had to offer, all at breakneck speed. We're giving society a primo wedgie - everyone watch, point and laugh!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Are You Using The Perfect Storm Excuse?
I have been hearing about this 'perfect storm' theory for quite a while now and have come to the realization that, this is not about the state of things, but, about what should have or at the very least could have been done prior to all of this mess. If we continue to wallow in the moment of 'woe is me', then there is no chance for us to lead into a brighter day tomorrow. Stop complaining, be happy and do something. Here is an article in the Washington Post that has got me thinking about how I am managing and leading in this current economy.
A Perfect Storm? No, a Failure of Leadership By Steven Pearlstein
A bit of unsolicited advice to business executives trying to explain why their company or their industry is suddenly in the soup: Please spare us the "perfect storm" metaphor. It's hackneyed, for starters. It doesn't square with the facts. And for people who fancy themselves leaders, it's downright unbecoming.
A Perfect Storm? No, a Failure of Leadership By Steven Pearlstein
A bit of unsolicited advice to business executives trying to explain why their company or their industry is suddenly in the soup: Please spare us the "perfect storm" metaphor. It's hackneyed, for starters. It doesn't square with the facts. And for people who fancy themselves leaders, it's downright unbecoming.
Labels: Economy, leadership, management
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Top Dog Sales Secrets - A Must Have For Every Salesperson
A great book for every occasion! Prospecting....Cold calling....Objections and a wealth of tips. 50 of the tops in the industry provide the best pieces of advice.
Top Dog Sales Secrets: 50 Top Experts Show You Proven Ways to Skyrocket Your Sales
Top Dog Sales Secrets: 50 Top Experts Show You Proven Ways to Skyrocket Your Sales