Thursday, July 30, 2009


The Three Sure-Fire Ways to Kill an Organization’s Sales Efforts

Great video clip from Tony Smith at the Brooks Group. Click here to watch the video.

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Saturday, July 04, 2009


Twitter Comes to the Rescue

This is a very interesting article in the New York Times regarding the use of Twitter for improving customer service. I am seeing more and more of this every day. I am leaning toward any and all companies using this great online tool to interact with their customer base.
If you’re not protesting an election or promoting a product, Twitter, the microblogging site that has been getting so much attention these days, can be easy to dismiss. Read the entire article here.

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Thursday, July 02, 2009


Chronicles of a Sales Leader

Tough Times Call for Solid Leadership

Whether uncertain times are specific to the region you lead, your company, your industry or a broader scenario like today, all sales leaders will need to lead their team through a difficult and challenging economic environment at some point in their careers. And when it's here, you can count on increased pressure to produce top-line results. So regardless of how things are looking for you today, here are some common pitfalls and insights that you’d do well to be aware of.

Read the entire article here.

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